Case Study: F-16 Generator Control Unit
Background and Current Status
- F-16 block 70 aircraft were in production needing hardware
- FMS program office had no source of supply for hardware
- OEM was no longer manufacturing the hardware
- Incomplete technical data was available
- Utilizing available technical data and an asset, United Dynamics developed, manufactured, and qualified a new GCU with a complete TDP
- Improved flex board design to mitigate potential failure mode
- Currently in-work to become a source of supply
Project Stages
- Reverse & Reengineering - Completed
- Technical Data Generation - Completed
- Manufacturing - Completed
- Functional Testing – Completed & Passed
- Qualification Testing – Completed & Passed
- Customer Delivery - Completed


“United Dynamics did an amazing job and resolved some of the engineering flaws that were found in the legacy GCU. If your team ever plans to procure more GCUs, I highly recommend using the new updated design.”
– F-16 Program Office