Case Study: Interferometer Power Supply
Background and Current Status
- Air Force Metrology & Calibration (AFMETCAL) had a single point of failure power supply for use with test equipment
- AFMETCAL had no source of supply for hardware
- The OEM was no longer in business
- The technology was outdated
- Very limited data available
- Utilizing an asset and limited data, United Dynamics developed, manufactured, and functionally validated a new power supply with a complete TDP
- Updated vacuum tube technology to solid state
- Power supply is currently in use by AFMETCAL
Project Stages
- Reverse & Reengineering - Completed
- Technical Data Generation - Completed
- Manufacturing - Completed
- Functional Testing – Completed & Passed
- Qualification Testing – Not Applicable
- Customer Delivery - Completed


“Want to say thanks again for the great work you all did reverse engineering that power supply for us as it's being put to good use now.”
– AFMETCAL Mechanical Engineering Branch Chief